Ben Franklin
6x6 collage/acrylic painting in black frame.
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It's All About the Benjamins Baby - SOLD
If you know my work, you know this wasn't the first Ben Franklin collage I've made. But I couldn't leave Ben out of the 25 Days of Mini's collection. The title should explain this piece pretty clearly....
This collage is 12x12 in a white wooden frame.
Ben Franklin in a Bathtub - SOLD
18x24 framed paper collage of Ben Franklin in a bathtub.
Free Delivery to Philadelphia.
Another Ben Franklin in a Bathtub - SOLD
Ben Franklin loved baths.
18x24 collage in black float frame
Outer Space Ben
Ben franklin believed in the plurality of worlds.
18x24 collage in black float frame.
Ben Franklin in Rollerskates
Ben Franklin invented Rollerskates.
18x24 paper collage in black frame.
Ben Franklin with a Turkey
Ben wanted the Turkey to be the national bird. Turkey also was his favorite food.
18x24 collage in black float frame.
Apple Bottom Ben
You might be surprised to learn that it was Ben Franklin who coined the term "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." He loved apples so much he would have his wife ship barrels of apples to him when he was traveling abroad.
Posing Ben
Ben Franklin here, posed like Rose in Titanic, was the most painted founding father and sat for ore portraits than any of his fellow noblemen. He loved posing for artists and took every opportunity he could capture his brilliance.