The Traveling Yogi Goes to the Beach!
Children's Book Pre-Order!
Have you ever witnessed or experienced a temper tantrum from a child? Had trouble at bed time? Or even wished you had some techniques in your toolbox to go to when you don't know how to handle their strong emotions?
Fun Fact: Emotional awareness, empathy and self confidence are all learned within the first 7 years of life!? The entire foundation of how you are going to handle future problems and make life choices is developed that short span of time. If you don’t learn these things within that timespan the chances of learning them as an adult are extremely difficult. Within those 7 years we expect them to follow ALL of these rules, understand how to process and deal with an array of emotions, learn how to stay alive and avoid danger, show gratitude, care for others, eat their broccoli and grow into confident, happy, healthy human beings.
Raising a child is one of the biggest responsibilities a person can undertake.
Raising a child is one of the biggest responsibilities a person can undertake.
It is perfectly normal for all children to have a range of emotions because they don't have the coping tools adults have from all the practice of being - ADULTS. It can be hard to remember what coping mechanisms we used growing up, because by now we use them unconsciously. And in many cases some of these methods many adults use need to be UN-learned and reprogrammed! But that's a different product from someone else.
With the Traveling Yogi series we want to give children the tools for emotional resilience. Our goals are to help parents create a foundation of confidence, creativity, empathy, appreciation and problem solving.
If children are given the tools that work from the inside out, where they can help themselves instead of needing an outside source to solve every problem - it builds self confidence and will build that strong foundation. And as parents in todays world with the amount of responsibilities and stressors, it makes it difficult to be creative and effective with every important teachable moment. And that's where The Traveling Yogi comes in.
My little students call me Yogi Blair:) And I am an artist and yoga teacher. I've taught children’s yoga for over ten years. In children’s yoga we don’t just stretch. We work through emotions, play games and apply self soothing techniques that we practice in real world situations. I was able to witness the amazing effects of these simple practices that release stress, created better relationships between parents and siblings, children learned gratitude, better eating habits, better sleep habits and the list goes on.
When I started teaching I wanted every tool I could get my hands on and I was looking for a children’s yoga book that I could read to the class, but I couldn’t find one with all the elements I was looking for - so being an artist - I made my own!
I wrote and illustrated this book series called the Traveling Yogi which is based off of a game I play with my mini yogis. In each book we travel to a different location. For example, the Beach! The children learn about that place and the things you will find there. The entire book brings them through a short yoga practice, with visualization and breathing techniques. When I first brought this book into my yoga classes, children and parents loved it so much that I kept getting asked where I got the book. And now I finally have this available!
How does it work? Children don’t all learn the same way. So I designed this interactive book to incorporate methods for all three category learners - visual, kinesthetic and auditory. I added an extra element of visualization. Visualization is proven to help children (and adults) release stress, achieve goals and perform better academically. As they move through the yoga practice hidden on their journey, the sequence is designed to release endorphins and relax the nervous system, making this book a perfect tool for morning and nighttime routines - in addition to having fun!
As parents it’s difficult to navigate through work, home life, endless responsibilities and personal stresses, all while giving proper focus to balance the emotional stability of a child. We are here to help. This is the first of many tools to help children navigate through their emotional journey.
Such as choosing a location for the Traveling Yogi to go to in the series, owning an original piece of artwork created for this book or even have Blair come to your city and teach a yoga class! There are a limited number of books we can offer during this round. After the Campaign is complete we can send the digital products for the e-book and video link! The estimated delivery date for the physical books and products will be delivered in the next 3 months! Thank you for your support in creating a better future for our children! Namaste!
The Traveling Yogi goes to the Beach is just the beginning! We have dozens of books and videos and other fun surprises in the works for this series and more so your child can learn about all kids of places around this world, while developing healthy habits. Children are already born with so many beautiful innate gifts and this book series is designed to enhance and protect those qualities. This book is perfect for children between the ages 2-7. In the rewards section for joining this community, Kickstarter backers are getting some extra perks and opportunities only offered through Kickstarter.