The Mermaid
2 - 6x6 collage/acrylic painting with black frame.
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Under Sea Caribbean Triptych Collage Set
Spanning 6ft X 9ft
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The Whale - SOLD
In Native American spiritual traditions, the blue whale holds profound significance as a majestic and sacred creature. It represents the embodiment of wisdom, power, and ancient knowledge. Revered as the guardian of the oceans, the blue whale is seen as a teacher and guide, offering profound lessons about the importance of harmonious coexistence and interconnectedness.
In Native American lore, encounters with the blue whale are believed to be transformative, opening doors to deeper spiritual realms and expanding our understanding of the interconnected web of life. As the whale peeks past the veil of the ocean into our world we are reminded to follow the whale and go deeper past the veil into a deeper part of knowing.
By incorporating the spiritual essence of the blue whale, this artwork becomes a potent reminder of the sacredness of the spiritual web that entangles us.
Mermaid Dreams - SOLD
We have mermaid tails on the Catamaran we live on in the Caribbean and it’s important to use them as much as possible for the poor child inside me that only had two legs.
36x80x2 - white wood frame - paper collage on board sealed with SPF acrylic medium
The Little Mermaid - SOLD
The Little Mermaid collage is framed in a hand-painted porthole frame. Everything down to Ariel's eyelashes is collaged with paper. I made sure to give a shoutout to Flounder in this piece because he is Ariel's ride-or-die friend. He wanted her to be happy and follow her dreams even if that meant breaking some rules and losing her to land.
After this movie every friend I had wanted a tail as much as she wanted legs. I didn't realize it until just now but I did end up moving to the Caribbean and own my own mermaid tail, so all I can say is, follow your dreams kids! (And find a friend like Flounder)
The Mermaid - The Circus Series
The original vintage circus posters were meant to tantalize our curiosity. The circus, turning tragedy into art, created a family with the sideshow acts. The mermaid sideshow either had your typical woman in a tail or displayed the top half skeleton of a monkey fused with the lower half of a fish.
8X10X1.5 - silver leaf siding - wire frame